Friday, October 17, 2008

test bxmu insula


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Friday, October 10, 2008

NYFA process

Hyperbolic antecedent insignia
of luscious fronds submitted
for the sublimation of toxic play.

Tempered enthusiasm for
the hideous praise of
her sleepy and anachronistic
homunculi modeling
of our neurological will.

This better work this time.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Mania's retreat

The sweat dries so quickly during her
dismount that bystanders
witness only
the ambiguously anthropomorphic
salt-lick apparitional
whimsy of volatile

social registers slapping

Bathroom Break

Proposal for the cultivation and appropriation of time for public social rituals to more proportionately represent all underrepresented bodily functions (besides ingestion - e.g. bathroom breaks).

Mental Encopresis

Logorrhea is to verbal diarrhea as ___________ is to mental encopresis.

The constipation from lack of mental peristalsis.
The suppressed urge(ncy)
foreshortened capriciously anamorphic
distillation of other people's inertia
suppurating past the compressing fear
impacting the shuddering of familial detritus
in a samurai-sliced-aorta whispering diffusion of residual self loathing